Thursday, May 23, 2013


I'm not purposely trying to sound like some cookie-cutter "dream child" by any means.  But something that really bothers me is when kids [teenagers] disrespect their parents. I've witnessed this numerous times with a bunch of different scenario's, and regardless, it's just upsetting. 
       Now I'm not saying that I'm this perfect image of a child and wear a halo; not at all. I don't always agree with what my Dad says, and there may be instances where if I vent, I don't always say positive things. But one thing for sure, is that I don't speak to my Dad the way I've seen a lot of people talk to their parents. 
      It's a sensitive issue for me because most of the time I see this occur with mothers, and most of you are aware that my Mom passed away when I was little, so it really makes me cringe when I see how others take theirs for granted. If I happen to say something about the situation, I hear a million different reasons for it, all resulted from anger. The top 2 things I hear are "they don't understand" and "they never do anything for me" okay, we'll let's take a second here to think about this. Are you fed? Do you have clothes? Do you have all of your necessities? Maybe even things that are just wants? Yes. Maybe you don't always see eye to eye with your parents, and they make you angry sometimes, but I guarantee you this: they love you unconditionally. Don't ever take that for granted. 
      You may think your parents don't understand you, and sometime's you are right. But, our parents were once teenagers too, and believe it or not, they've been through the same things as us. Just like you want your parents to understand and respect you, you have to give respect to get it back. 

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