Saturday, August 3, 2013

Crying is Not Weakness

Everyone has their own perception of what "being strong" means. When I was younger, I thought being strong meant you never cried; you never had "weak moments". As I've gotten older and experienced much more in my life, I realize that that can't be further from the truth. 
       I was always taught that it was never okay to cry. I had to "be strong". That stuck with me up until a couple of years ago, and I still rarely cry in front of people, but yes, I do cry sometimes. We all do. And no, it does not make us weak.
        Everyone has moments where they need to let out all of the negative energy that may be inside them. And for many of us, just being able to break down and cry helps us relieve so much that we bottle up. Those moments don't make us weak. They only make us stronger. They help us delve into our issues and learn from them, rather than keeping things inside, and pretending they don't exist. 
         Being strong is being able to realize that your life is not perfect; realizing what issues you are facing, understanding them, and coping with them. In some cases, letting everything out can only help you, not hurt you. The only way to sort through these things is with a clear head, and if in order to do that you need to let out some tears, that is 100% okay.
        From my past experiences, anyone who tells you that it's not okay to cry, are the weakest. They're the ones that don't have their life together, but try to pretend they do. Strong people don't have to pretend; they know they aren't perfect, and they embrace it.
